
Network Monitoring

We help you to get the most out of your security budget and resources

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Network monitoring is the systematic effort of a computer network to detect slow or failing network components, such as overloaded or crashed/frozen servers, failing routers, failed switches, or other problematic devices. Important here are points such as: visibility, the secure implementation and additional functionalities.

Find the right provider to monitor your network environment now and create a secure network monitoring. We will help you, start now with a non-binding provider comparison.

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Good to Know

Consistent network monitoring protects your network from unplanned outages and identifies threats

In the event of a network failure or similar malfunction, the network monitoring system alerts the network administrator (NA). Network monitoring is a subarea of network management.

Network monitoring is usually performed using software applications and tools. Network monitoring services are often used to determine whether a particular web server is functioning and properly connected to the worldwide networks. Many servers that perform this function provide a more comprehensive visualization of both the Internet and the networks.

With us at CyberCompare you will find the right provider to make your network monitoring environment secure. With us you will find a resource-saving and efficient approach. You can get a first overview of possible network monitoring providers in our Provider Directory. You are also welcome to read our whitepaper on NDR.

Whitepaper Cover
Network Detection and Response (NDR) checks the network metadata (IP flow or netflow) or raw full packet streams for abnormal behavior that violates dynamic threshold values or pre-defined policies. Application layer traffic is deconstructed, compared to a baseline, and analyzed by machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies. But what should be considered when choosing a suitable provider? We highlight various aspects in this buyer’s guide to help you make the right choice. Download now and get important tips for purchasing.

Network Detection and Response (NDR) – Buyer’s Guide

Network Detection and Response (NDR) checks the network metadata (IP flow or netflow) or raw full packet streams for abnormal behavior that violates dynamic threshold values or pre-defined policies. Application layer traffic is deconstructed, compared to a baseline, and analyzed by machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies. But what should be considered when choosing a suitable provider? We highlight various aspects in this buyer’s guide to help you make the right choice. Download now and get important tips for purchasing.
Whitepaper Cover
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Simeon Mussler
COO of CyberCompare

+49 (0)711 811-91494

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