Cybersecurity Know-How from our shop

The Shop For Market Studies & Emergency Plans

Template + Workshop

Emergency Plan Template For Your Response After A Cyberattack

2.650 €

plus VAT

Market study + Workshop

Endpoint and Extended Detection & Response

1.300 €

plus VAT

Market study + Workshop

Security Awareness & Phishing​

1.300 €

plus VAT

Market study + Workshop

Identity Access Management & Multi-Factor Authentification

1.300 €

plus VAT

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Frequently Asked Questions

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The emergency plan template is filled with best practice content that only needs to be individualized. However, the best practices are intended to help every company in a very pragmatic way to quickly enter the right information. In addition, the workshop included in the bundle is primarily used to explain this additional information and to personalize it with the customer. Customers can then collect the components to be personalized from the company and these are channeled again in a check-in with CyberCompare. This means that the customer is accompanied by CyberCompare until the emergency plan is finalized.

Yes, the template contains best practice recommendations that are discussed in the workshop with CyberCompare and are available to the customer as a reference point for additional information.

CyberCompare offers two appointments in the emergency plan template bundle, in which CyberCompare supports you in filling out the template and develops the emergency plan together with you. In the first workshop, the template and its components are explained and the best practice entries that need to be personalized are filled in together as far as possible. After the first workshop, the customer has the opportunity to add any missing information that needs to be collected internally. In a next check-in, CyberCompare will then go through the final emergency plan again and provide final feedback. This means that your emergency plan is finalized after the two appointments and can be used immediately (or hopefully not 😉).

Yes, there is a second check-in after the 1st workshop, in which you as the customer have the opportunity to use CyberCompare’s expertise again for feedback and challenging. The aim is for the emergency plan to be finalized and ready for use.

The market study is available to you and your organization after purchase. The market study may not be passed on to external parties. However, the market study may of course be shared within the team and your organization.

The market study is available to you and your organization after purchase. The market study may and should also be shared within your teams. The market study may not be passed on to external parties.

Yes, you are welcome to use the information in internal documents. The market study and its information are available for use by you and your organization after purchase.

Yes, you are welcome to use the information in internal documents. The market study and its information are available for use by you and your organization after purchase.

The study is provided by us as a digital product. You are welcome to print it. On request, we will also be happy to send you the product in printed form to a company address provided.

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